Putting the Blog Back Together

globe wearing a face mask

Putting the Blog Back Together

A Travel Blog…now?

Yes. now.

Maybe “at last, now?” We’ve been neglecting our original intent to inspire and we think that intention is even more relevant right now.

Don’t you know there’s a global pandemic?

Unprecedented is the most common word we’ve seen used to describe most aspects of the pandemic. It is accurate–at least for our lifetimes. We are all dealing with change, new challenges, sacrifices, anxiety, and sorrow.

we need hope and

In addition to pragmatism in the face of our new challenges, we need hope and optimism. And we need to remind ourselves of things we enjoy–and not in a nostalgic sense.

If you love to explore, like we do, we think there are so many things you can do to bring this energy and curiosity to today, even if you are in isolation.

Like what?

Inspiration. Research. Dreaming

In reality, most of us couldn’t ever jump on a jet to Jakarta at the drop of a hat. Time, money, and other obligations were always a constraint. Constraints have multiplied and magnified but the world is still out there for someday.

This is the perfect time to research your next trip, even if you don’t know when that will be. We are always researching new destinations–trying them on for size. How does Amsterdam fit vs. Buenos Aires? When you find something that feels right, you’ll be poised for planning actual details when the situation presents itself.

TL;DR use this time to inspire yourself.

Armchair Travel

Armchair travel is an old-fashioned phrase from a larger world where there were no $100 airfares to transport you thousands of miles. There were ships and trains that moved slowly across oceans and continents. People travelled less. Books allowed them to experience the world outside their windows.

Books are still a great choice. If you don’t like reading, an audiobook may be preferable (and this page may already have too many words) or a podcast or a video or a movie–you are one click away from immersing yourself in one of the places you’ve always wanted to visit.

We will be compiling some lists and links for you.

For now, we invite you to spend 20 minutes in Mexico with Mariachi Flor De Toloache courtesy of NPR.

Bring Travel Home

Enriching our day-to-day with our travel experiences has always been one of our philosophies. Why go out there if you aren’t going to make it part of your personal mosaic?

Souvenirs can be tangible or experiential or both. We have a small piece of artisanal ceramic, a starfish, that was a welcome gift from a hotel in Mallorca. I keep it nearby so it is always a reminder. Holding it in my hand transports me to a place of incredible beauty. “We will be back,” is my mantra.

I’m sure you have some starfish around. Give them some attention.


One of the first questions we ask ourselves when considering a destination is: “what will we eat there?”

What are some of your favorite meals from your travels? The fresh sea bream crudo from Venice probably isn’t achievable at home but many other tastes are. Support your local restaurants–maybe there are some more unusual cuisines you’ve been hesitant to try. They can use your business now.

Cooking at home and learning new techniques is another good way to revisit or discover a new place through its food. We will be adding more At Home food-related posts for some of our favorites.


Looking at the same four walls for so long, we all became acutely aware of the deficiencies of what they contained.

Send the ugly tattered chair to a new home. Get new pillows. Buy the kind of sheets that make you say “ahhhh” at a hotel. Make the things you see and touch around your house the things you have appreciated or would appreciate at a hotel.

This doesn’t have to be extravagant. After a stay at a Hampton Inn, we learned the wonder of a Waterpik shower head. This is the type of small change you can make to upgrade every morning. We’ll remodel the bathroom someday, but for now, we have five types of water patterns that make every shower a bit more enjoyable.

Print some of your photos and make a gallery wall.

A favorite candle, a nicer robe, an espresso maker…you get the idea.

The Next Destination is Right in Front of You

No matter where you live, there’s something interesting nearby. Parks, trails, nature preserves. Spaces where there is space. One idea: Audubon Preserves – there were some near us I never knew about.

Get out there. Go for a walk. Go for a drive.

Ready for a Trip?

Even if you actually book a trip, you may find yourself asking that question repeatedly.

road winding through the desert

AAA predicts 700 million trips for summer 2020, down only 15% from summer 2019. Notable and not surprising is a large shift from air travel to road trips. So, people are traveling.

If you are one of them or are going to be, there are some unique considerations. We’ll talk more about those in future posts. But, please remember to Travel Gently.

HT to Jake and Elwood for inspiring the title.

Sleep Eat See is a travel enthusiast who thinks that planning the trip is half the fun.
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